The Lord looks at the heart

I don’t know about you, but I tend to care a little too much what others think of me. And the world is constantly telling us that this is okay. But God tells us that it doesn’t matter what other people think of us, all that matters is that He loves us for who we are!
There are many problems with trying to measure up to the world’s standards. One of which is the fact that we will never fully measure up. There will always be something else that we ‘need’, or some other way that we should look. So stop worrying about what the world thinks!
Your creator loves you for who you are, and always will!!
The Lord looks at the heart

This is a song that I really like, and I hope that you will too!!

You are an original!!

Sometimes we can forget that God really did make us the way that He wanted us to be. We forget that He created us totally unique for a reason! Often times, the things that we don’t like about ourselves are the unique things that God gave us, and is going to use for something greater than we could ever imagine!!
So next time you start to think that you don’t like something about yourself, just remember this quote:
You are an original!

Just a reminder!

I just want to encourage you to keep on remembering that you and others are worth so much! I also want to encourage you to remind others in your life that they are worth so much more than gold!!
While it is important for us to remember that they are worth so much, it is equally as important to remind them of their worth.
Give them a card, a hug, or even just a smile! You don’t even have to do anything, you can just show them by the way that you treat them, talk to them, and talk about them.

Remember how important these reminders are to you. Give others a reminder that they are worth so much more than gold!! (while you are at it, maybe have them listen to Gold!)


They are worth more than gold too!

We talk about remembering that we are worth more than gold, but what about others? Do we remember that they are worth more than gold too? It is so easy to forget this, and judge others or think we are better than them. Believe me, I’m guilty of this too! When we start to think like this we need to step back and remember that God’s love for others is the same as His love for us! I know that this may not always be easy, but keep at it! It will become easier to see others (and yourself) as worth sooo much more than gold!!

What is truly important?

The song Gold by Britt Nicole has really been standing out to me recently. It has made me really think about what is truly important. I know for a fact that most of the things that the world tells us are important, really aren’t. So what really is important? I guess that everyone probably has their own list of what is important to them. So what is your’s? I have recently realized that some of the things on mine aren’t truly important. So take a look at your’s and try and decide what is truly important. (and most importantly, use God’s standards, not the messed up, crazy standards of the world.)

Listen to this song. It will probably help you out!